California Homosexual Activists Rough Up Elderly Woman, Use N-Word Against Blacks, March Through Police Blockades, Pound on Doors of Businesses, and Protest Outside Churches

Homosexual activists in California have roughed up an elderly woman who
believes in traditional marriage. During protests over the past several
days, homosexuals angry about the passage of Proposition 8, which
reserves marriage licenses for a man and a woman, have hurled the
N-word against black persons walking by, marched through police
blockades, pounded on doors of businesses, and protested outside

screaming and shouting, name-calling and pushing by homosexual
activists is not unlike a small child throwing a fit because he doesn’t
get his way,”  said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families,
a leading California-based pro-family organization that supports
marriage for one man and one woman. “The public is getting a clue that
homosexual activists don’t like democracy and are willing to trample
anyone and anything that gets in their way.”

“How is it that those who demand
tolerance from others are so intolerant of the people’s vote to reserve
marriage for a man and a woman?” asked Thomasson. “It looks like the No
on 8 activists could use some diversity training. Homosexuals are
demonstrating their intense intolerance against people of faith, people
of color, and anyone who believes in real marriage between a man and a

“Most people are appalled by the
violent, in-your-face behavior of homosexual activists,” said
Thomasson. “This is very different from the peaceful marches of Martin
Luther King, Jr.  Of course, it has to be different. Then, people of
color were asking for natural civil rights; today, homosexual activists
are demanding that the public endorse their unnatural sexual behavior.”

The following material from outside websites contains graphic material

Homosexual activists call black people the N-word
The following was reported by the homosexual webzine Rod 2.0

N-Word Hurled at Blacks During Westwood Prop 8 Protest
a student at UCLA and regular Rod 2.0 reader, joined the massive
protest outside the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in Westwood. Geoffrey was called the n-word at least twice.

It was like being at a klan rally
except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks.
YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at men. If your people want to call me a
FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger. Someone else said same thing to me on
the next block near the temple…me and my friend were walking, he is
also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the
niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST
for them.

Los Angeles resident and Rod 2.0
reader A. Ronald says he and his boyfriend, who are both black, were
carrying NO ON PROP 8 signs and still subjected to racial abuse.

Three older men accosted my friend
and shouted, “Black people did this, I hope you people are happy!” A
young lesbian couple with mohawks and Obama buttons joined the shouting
and said there were “very disappointed with black people” and “how
could we” after the Obama victory. This was stupid for them to single
us out because we were carrying those blue NO ON PROP 8 signs! I
pointed that out and the one of the older men said it didn’t matter
because “most black people hated gays” and he was “wrong” to think we
had compassion. That was the most insulting thing I had ever heard. I
guess he never thought we were gay.

Jasmyne Cannick has a similar and
unfortunate report. “I have received several phone calls from Blacks,
both gay and straight, who were caught up in Westwood around the time
of that march. From being called ‘niggers’ to being accosted in their
cars and told that it was because of ‘you people gays don’t have equal
rights and you better watch your back,’ these gays have lost their damn

The verbal harassment follows a
steady stream of racist comments left on this blog and many others
across the gay virtual community. At least a dozen racist comments have
been removed from this blog since Tuesday, such as, “Thank you Black
people for denying gay people the same rights that you deserve and
have”,  “Black people make me feel like a piece of shyt when it should
have been a night of celebration for all,” and the succinct, “F–K you

Homosexual activists bang on doors, block traffic, stand on police car, and are arrested for disturbing the peace
The following was reported by

What began as a small protest of
1,000 swelled to more than 4,000 before the night was through.
Protesters blocked traffic, and reports suggest that up to seven people
were arrested for disturbing the peace. Aerial footage of the protest
also seems to indicate that police used force against at least some of
those who attended the rally. Other footage shows at least one marcher
standing atop a police car. He was wrestled to the ground by police.

An additional group of about 500
protesters gathered outside CNN’s Los Angeles bureau, where they were
seen banging on the doors and walls and hoisting signs protesting the
ban. In response to the rally, the Los Angeles Police Department issued
a tactical alert, which called on all the department’s officers, and
some from surrounding precincts, to respond.

Rowdy protestors block intersections, snarl traffic, ignore police blockades
The following was reported by Los Angeles webzine

…rowdy protesters blocked the intersection of Hollywood and Highland, snarling traffic.
news conference at the Mormon temple in Westwood last night grew into a
march with several thousand protesters taking to the streets during the
rush hour commute.  Marchers pushed past several police blockades east
of the Westwood Federal Building, chanting “East on Wilshire!” and “No
on 8!”

Source: Campaign for Children & Families

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